Condos In Howell

Spring Cleaning Time

It’s Spring Cleaning Time

Spring Cleaning Time

Springtime, traditionally, is when you clean the house in addition to getting rid of unwanted junk. People are cleaning out their houses and getting rid of things that they don’t need. In fact, this is why there are so many garage sales this time of the year.

However, maybe you should try to get some changes done in a slightly different way.  Maybe you should give your finances a quick spring cleaning. In fact, I have a few ideas to cut your monthly bills.

Programmable thermostats

Programmable thermostats are fantastic!. You can set them so that they turn on and off multiple times during the day. Because, if you’re not home why have the heat or AC running? Turn the down and when you are due to arrive home have it automatically go back up to the spot where it’s supposed to be. Or, can take it a step further and get a smart thermostat, which learns from you habits. These great gadgets will adjust the temperature automatically. Furthermore, you can actually access these things remotely with a phone app.

Refrigerator and Freezers

Your refrigerator and freezers tend to use a lot of energy. You can keep those costs under control by opening the doors for the shortest time that you possibly can. And always make sure that they’re closed all the way. A better idea, if you have an older fridge or freezer, think about replacing it with a more energy efficient model. It will pay for itself in time.

Alternate Electric Suppliers

Did you know that you can buy your electric from someone other than the electric company? The electric company will deliver the juice, but you can purchase your electric from a number of different energy providers. Shop around and see if you can get a better deal. Or even better, go solar.

Cable TV

Speaking of finding a better deal, are you happy with your cable TV bill? Try playing the different providers of cable and internet. Negotiate between them and you may get a better rate. Because if your existing company won’t give you a better rate, you can switch to one of the other suppliers. Another bold idea (not for everyone) is to cancel the cable TV completely. It will probably cost less to stream all of your TV entertainment over the internet.

Light Bulbs

In conclusion, if you still have incandescent bulbs in your house, replace them. An LED bulb uses an awful lot less energy. Additionally, they last much, much longer. Replacing incandescent bulbs with a new up-to-date LED bulb is an investment which will pay for itself many times over.

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